9-21 – A Song By Mark Zanger

Follow along with the words as mark serenades you with his latest work. Music by Mark, lyrics inspired by William Shakespeare:

1 April’s first-born flowers and all things beyond compare
Let me truly write of loving for t’is just as fair
Those golden candles fix’d in
heaven’s air above our loving
Let them praise that purpose well
that sweetly speaks of love

9 All the moon and every sun’s light is all dark by Thee
Constant stars all share this simple and so dear decree

13 I love you in my heart as red
As poppies in the field above
I love you in my heart of love

17 Truth and beauty shall together strive as long as love
Yet truth and beauty shall ne’er
ever see the same sun of our love

21 The light of loving is our way to live another day of life
The light of loving is our star