Nancy Hug Montier Update


Well, I just spent the last couple hours browsing through our site. What a wonderful bunch of people we are! And, imagine that every class, everywhere, is at least as stunning, that’s good! Thanks for connecting us.

Here’s a little update on me after 32 years or so. I went to U of I taking pre-med, then to Iowa State to major in bacteriology and follow in my Dad’s footsteps. Got married, moved to California and ended up graduating from University of California, San Diego in 1980 with a Computer Science degree just at the beginning of the personal computer wave. My husband was a computer genius type – we started a company that wrote and sold a compiler; we were bought out by the premiere software company of the time, Digital Research. We ended up divorced with no children, and I eventually married Bill from Pasadena (met him at Club Med in Mexico – so romantic!)

We just celebrated 20 years together. He works for Union Pacific railroad as a locomotive engineer (weird schedule to deal with). He was going for a second degree in electrical engineering when he answered an ad for train engineers. We’ve lived in the Bay Area just southeast of San Francisco for 17 years. We have two children – Andrea, almost 20 and going to a local junior college trying to figure out what she wants (sounds like her mom!) and Billy, graduating from high school in a couple weeks. Andrea and Billy are both really social, popular, engaged people without much interest in academics. Andrea wondered if she was adopted when I told her I was a shy, nerdy, geeky, bassoon player in high school!

I quit the computer field 6 years ago (the stress of 20 years of startup companies and technology deadlines and a family made me quite ill with auto/immune conditions) and took up a new career – coaching people instead of making software work. Whew! I love the process! I work with people individually and in groups to clarify and achieve their passions. If you know of any groups in Iowa City I could do presentations for, I’d love to have a great reason to come to Iowa more often. I work most often with men and women our age wondering what’s next or filling in what’s missing and with young people just through high school or college ready for the next phase. I do phone work.

That’s it from here. Thanks for “listening”!
