Ed Barker Update

Ethel and I began buying apartments in 1975.  In 1979 I retired from school administration.  We have been managing the apartments since then.  Our two sons, David and Jim along with David’s wife Sarah eventually joined us in the management area along with being partners in the ownership.

Our two daughters, Alice and Susan live in Up State New York along with their families.  We have 10 grandchildren, 5 in New York and 5 in Iowa City.

One of my main hobbies has been traveling throughout the world, visiting between 50 and 60 countries in six continents.  Most of these countries are ones that most people hesitate or refuse to visit.  My traveling partner, a college friend, and I find them intriguing and extremely educational.  One trip took us around the world which included going on the Trans Siberian Railroad from Vladivostok to Moscow.  I have been to the Soviet Union/Russia about 13 times, visiting 13 of the 15 republics.  Our wives do not like to travel the way we do and are always relieved when we return from each trip.

Thanks for all of the work you do on the web site and the reunions.

Ed Barker, Principal, West High, 1968-1979