Ruth Jurgens Noth Update

Started back to work this past Thursday. Bitter sweet, as the last two years in a row I’ve been in Rochester, MN with Tom at Mayo Clinic. You miss so much if you aren’t here for the beginning of the school year, so a good thing for me this year. I’m sure my boss is glad as well.It’s been a rough two years for her.

My arm is getting bad again. Not sure if it’s all the computer work or what, but had to have my father come over and help me trim around my evergreens in the back yard – too much pulling on the mower handle involved which has to be done left handed, and it’s my left arm that’s bad.  Will have to call doc Monday and see what we can do next. The initial injury stemmed from taking care of Tom so long by myself. He was 6’6″ and a lot of man to handle.

I’ve only had 2 new cashiers in the past 13 years to train, and this year, have 5, it will be a busy Monday morning. Students start coming on Wednesday. Have to head into the building to get some things copied off my computer that wasn’t on my flash drive. Also will post our new prices for lunches in the staff lounge – they always complain when the prices go up, but they get up to 5 items on their tray for $2.90 – can’t do that at McDonald’s!

Anyway, had an awesome summer. My trip to CO and CA went very well. Mixed feelings about the Amtrak portion, but would try it again with new knowledge. Glad Bobbi is doing well and the fam is home and OK. Take care.
