Arnie and Julie Moore Update

Hi Dave and Class of ’73

Our lives here in South Florida remains steady and for the most part uneventful.  Julie and I still have our same jobs and will probably retire in those positions.  We both would like to do something different to finish out our working careers, but due to the obvious economic situation, we most likely will not make any change.

Last summer we did the RAGBRAI.  Julie driving our gear and me riding with the other 10000 riders.  For the most part it was a “Bucket List” item for me but we both had a great time meeting people, seeing all of our family and relaxing without TV phone or other electronic interruptions.

Living here in South Florida has had its advantages, we get to go bowl games without a lot of travel.  This year the Orange Bowl and we had lots of visitors.  Seven guests stayed with us and 8 others visited.  Fun times and a great game.  The bad part, unseasonably cold.  47 at game time and 38 and the final buzzer.  Of all the times Iowa has been to Florida we have only missed one game.

Well, keep up the great work on the webpage.  It is nice to read how classmates are doing.

Arnie Moore

Brandy Ibey, Our son’s girlfriend, Quin, Our second son, Myself and Julie