Chris Wilhite Update


Thanks again for keeping us all in the loop. I really do enjoy the updates. I finally got around to putting together a brief update on our situation. See the attached Word document. Feel free to share it with the rest of the class.

Best Regards,


Here is Chris’ update:

Dear West High Class of 1973,

After spending most of our lives in the Midwest – Iowa, Indiana, Illinois, back to Indiana and back to Illinois, my wife Sue (McLaughlin) and I moved up to Anchorage, Alaska in January after I accepted a financial executive position with Alaska Communications. We love it! We survived what was supposedly the worse winter in over 50 years and are now well into spring. The last of the snow melted from our yard just last week. Given that we received almost 140 inches this winter and we live part way up the mountain, I guess that’s not too bad. We have actually had a few of days over 60 degrees.

Those of you that have visited Alaska will understand when I say the scenery is absolutely spectacular. We have just started to explore the area, including some hiking, skiing and wildlife viewing (see below). We’ve already had a few visitors from the lower 48, including our daughter who lives in Chicago (we used to think that was a pretty cold and snowy place).

Settling into our routines is a little more challenging than in the past. Running, for example, is somewhat more problematic than in the Midwest. Yak Tracks (or roofing nails) on your shoes in the winter (October – April) is a must. Now that the bears are out of hibernation, pepper spray and bells are required. I have been advised, however, that if you find yourself needing to use the pepper spray, you are probably doomed. I’m still trying to find some “flat” courses. Moose, lynx and bear (brown and black) have all been spotted in our neighborhood. The moose actually come up to our windows and look in. This past weekend, two grizzlies came onto our property and proceeded to ÒinspectÓ our garbage can, which had been set out by the road for morning pickup. Bear-proof containers are on order. Our neighbor, unfortunately, had to kill another grizzly after it killed his llama and went after his horses. The treadmill is looking more practical everyday! Sue did some Nordic skiing this winter and is considering taking up the biathlon. I don’t think I’m coordinated enough to handle skis and a rifle at the same time. I’ll join the musicians union and try to rustle up a few gigs.

We are currently on about 19 – 20 hours of daylight; sun up around 4:00 AM and sunset about 12:00 AM. It never gets totally dark. By way of contrast, in January, sun up was 10:45 AM and sunset was 3:30 PM. This is truly a land of extremes.

Our classmate Janet Gregory has lived up here for something like 18 years. I popped in on her at the toy store she owns. She loves it here as well. It was good to catch up.

So, I just wanted to share our adventure with everyone. This is a beautiful place and we are happy and blessed to be here. We plan on making it down to Iowa City a few times a year and hope to be there for the 40th reunion next year. If any of you happen to make a trip up here, give me a shout.
