Gene Hartsock Update

Well, both sons are in the “video business”Oldest son Rob has been a cameraman man for Fox Sports and has been a cameraman in all of the Major League Sports.

My youngest son Andrew most recently has been providing video footage for national news about the George Floyd Trial case in Minneapolis.

My wife Anne is the proof reader of all our postings on social media (She was an original Proofreader before the computers took over. 🙁)

I still enjoy photography, mostly for my shoe repair websites and social media I just sent 3 pairs of shoes to Connecticut, NYC, and Portland Maine..Who woulda thunk…

I still can remember Smitty the shoe repair guy that I had my beginnings in Shoe Repair, In Iowa City. When a demanding phone customer would insist on a price quote, he would get exasperated and say,
“Hold the shoes closer to the phone, so I can see them!!!!”

Well, 52 years later, we can ask customers to send emails, messenger and texting with photos, even Face chats, with photos of their shoes for quotes… (but even now I have to say, I will know for sure when I see them)

As a famous sports announcer used to say, “oh my”