A Ruth (Jurgens) Noth Update

Hi Dave. I’ve been busier than all get out and cannot make it to the reunion this year. I’m sad, but at the same time, will be doing what I need to be doing.
As you know, I moved my parents in with me after Thanksgiving last year.  Dad has had several things go on – was diagnosed with 4 new things in in the course of about 5 weeks. My sister flew home to help me out, as mom’s hip replacement surgery was coming up and it was just too much for one daughter to handle. She came for nearly 6 weeks and we’ve gotten through it all. She has since left, but we are still trying to get a good routine going here with everyone.
Have in home health care for both parents now – dad for PT to help with his dementia related gait – it’s coming along great, and also for a new diagnosis of polymyalgia rheumatica – very delibitating – Prednisone is the cure – can take 18 months to 3 years to get rid of it and wean off the steroids. The first day on steroids my sister and I laughed our guts out watching dad – he was the energizer bunny and even got a little frisky with mom, well, for how well an 88 and 84 year old can be frisky. LOL
He’s doing very well – mind still is in a fog quite often, but his health is so much better and he’s eating us out of house and home nearly.  He’s gaining about 3 pounds each week now, eating 3 meals and 3 snacks a day and sometimes asking for 2nds on the snacks. Have gone pretty much organic on most things and he loves his new cereal – oatmeal with ground walnuts, chia seeds, organic pure maple sugar for sweetening and heat that up – I make it for the week and pull out what he’ll eat for each morning. Saves me time.
Mom had her surgery and is doing well. I hope to have her back into her own bed within the next week. She can now get into and out on her own, but not adjust her pillows, so working on that next.  She sees the surgeon post surgery this Wednesday and we’ll see what PT she orders up. That will all be done in home as well to save us time.  My weekday calendar is loaded to the gills each week – never have I ever had every inch of the calendar square used up nearly every day. For a while, we had 4 different people coming for each for each of them. It was crazy for a while.
Anyway, just too much going on with dad yet and mom not weaned off the walker, to leave them alone. I could hire someone to come in, but I’m not comfortable with that yet. The day is coming though, because I need to get back to my life and know the importance of that. Please give my best to everyone. I will surely miss not being there- the last one was so great!!!  You can share any of my news with the group.