Lyrics to 9 5 Merry Christmas

Have a Merry Christmas! 
Have a Merry Christmas!
Glad tidings and happy greetings
Warm wishes for lots of fun’
Tis time now to lift our spirits
Share blessings with everyone
Have a Merry Christmas
Have a Merry Christmas
Sweet feelings of love and loving
Big hugs in the morning sun
Bright faces of cheer and cheering
All knowing that we are One 
Everywhere and everyone please have a merry day
Please have a merry day all singing 
Have A Merry Christmas! 
Have a Merry Christmas 
Have a Merry Old Christmas singing
Have a Merry Old Christmas song 
Have a Merry Old Christmas ringing 
Bells of Christmas all day long
Everywhere and for everyone 
Please have a Merry Christmas Day! 
And a Happy New Year! 

By Mark Zanger