West Side Story Sept 1 , 1972

Dave:  The 50th anniversary of Stonewall got me thinking about a story I wrote for West Side Story our senior year.  I’m glad that Ben Van Zante was that open-minded to include it in the first issue of the school year.  What a long way we’ve come!  I am also sending you photos from another page in that issue with some familiar faces.  Feel free to share

 I hope all is well with you and yours.

    Judy (Becker) Bryant

Story on Gay Liberation
Story on Gay Liberation from the 1 Sept 1972 Issue of West Side Story

Three beautiful women, who have only gotten more so through the years. Edith and Patti are members of our online community, but we have never been able to connect with Uli Kubiska. Any ideas?

Edith, Uli, and Patti
Edith, Uli, and Patti: our three special friends from far away.